
Hello and welcome to the Brand Guidelines for Edvo; thanks for being here!

These guidelines are meant to be a reference for anyone and everyone here at Edvo. They guide how we tell our story and the work we do.

It’s important that the principles established in this document are shared with all employees and new hires and that we revisit them regularly.

Let’s get started!

Mission Statement

Each of us is the hero of our own story.
We seek to inspire perspective, guiding others to find alignment as they forge their stories.

last updated 03/05/2020

Core Values last updated 03/05/2020

Listed below are our fundamental beliefs. They guide us in all our decision-making and help us determine if we are on the right path.

We lead with empathy.

We are problem solvers and we recognize that the first step is to have an intimate understanding of our users' unique experiences. Whether it’s working with a candidate to get them a job they love or working with a team member on a project, we always listen and ask questions. We aren’t one-size-fits-all; we provide thoughtful solutions, celebrate differences, and commit to collaboration.

Alignment is at the core of everything we do.

We align incentives to ensure everyone gets what they need and is motivated to work together. We also understand the importance of aligning ourselves with the facts. We don’t worry about being right in a discussion; instead, we focus on uncovering what’s true. Our team members measure and document everything to ensure we communicate well, make informed decisions, and do our best work.

We innovate.

Our commitment to innovation allows us to constantly evolve and find the best solutions. We know we won’t have all of the answers right away, so we’re obsessed with learning. We seek out experts who inspire and challenge us to raise our standards for creativity. We take feedback seriously. We have the self-awareness to admit when we’re wrong and the courage to make the necessary changes. We constantly learn from our users, advisors, mentors, and team members, and push ourselves to find thoughtful and creative solutions.

We are thoughtful.

We are critical thinkers who value idea-sharing when it’s thoughtful and clearly communicated. We’re open-minded but not naive. We do not believe in things just because they are popular or sound good—we dig deep, do our research, and form our own opinions.

We believe in encouraging growth.

At the heart of our work is a desire to help people grow. We know growth isn’t easy and comes with a set of challenges. We believe in providing tools that allow people to feel supported and confident in their ability to grow. We meet people where they are and empower them to think for themselves, never just spoon-feeding them answers.

We take responsibility for our commitments.

People trust us to do what we commit to, and that trust comes with great responsibility. We always follow through and hold ourselves and each other accountable. We operate with a deep sense of ownership and integrity and demand the same from others.

Voice & Tone last updated 03/05/2020

Outlined below is the way we speak and write at Edvo. It is our consistent tone of voice in all communication.

Be conversational but not unprofessional.

We’re personable. We type the way we speak, and we’re not afraid to use emojis 😉. We’re not cold or robotic; we value authenticity and a personal touch. That being said, we always want the people we’re communicating with to feel respected, comfortable, and productive.

Be empathetic but don’t wallow.

We speak from a place of compassion and understanding, but never pity. Our language is positive and solution-focused.

Be optimistic but not unrealistic.

We cheer people on, but we don't set unrealistic expectations or make empty promises. Instead, we use positivity and offer actionable advice to align them with their goals.

Be thorough but not overwhelming.

We’re a guide, not a lecturer. We are knowledgeable and take pride in how easily people understand us. We break down complex concepts, presenting them in a manner that allows access and comprehension.

Be honest but not cruel.

We value honest communication and know that sometimes people need to hear a harsh truth. We provide feedback that’s always constructive, thoughtful, and with the recipient in mind. Our intention is to never offend or hurt anyone; instead, it’s to help each other grow.

Below is our official logo that represents Edvo everywhere. It’s round, friendly, and looks great on its own or paired with beautifully set type. It’s easily recognizable and we wear it proudly!

For brand consistency, it’s imperative that the Edvo logo is only used in the ways specified below and never altered or distorted.

Master Logo

Our logo always uses primary colors from our palette, Purple and White. Letter spacing on the Master Logo is fixed and should never be altered.



Any company avatar should use the Icon variation of the logo, which uses just the e in either a circle or square. The Master Logo should never be used inside an Icon.

Clear Space

It’s important to maintain some negative space around our logo so it has room to breathe and isn’t cramped against other content. Clear space for the Master Logo is defined by the height and width of the e, as shown in the diagram above.

Icons should have the e large in the space, but with enough negative space to not feel tight.

Keep in mind...

When writing Edvo, always use a capital E.

Color last updated 02/18/2020

Color evokes feeling and is one of the main components in establishing a consistent brand identity.

Our primary colors at Edvo are Purple and White, establishing a bright and friendly demeanor. Secondary colors include Lavender and Plum, variants on the primary Purple for uses such as backgrounds or accents. Included in the secondary colors is Teal, to be used sparingly as an accent when an element or call to action needs to stand out and draw attention.

This mostly monochromatic palette allows us to easily maintain brand consistency, giving us a shade of Purple for any use, as well as the added benefit of a bright Teal for contrast when necessary.

Primary Colors


  • HEX: 6431E0
  • RGB: 100-049-224
  • CMYK: 74-79-00-00


  • RGB: 255-255-255
  • CMYK: 00-00-00-00

Secondary Colors


  • HEX: 3A2C5C
  • RGB: 058-044-092
  • CMYK: 88-92-34-27


  • HEX: F3F1FA
  • RGB: 243-241-250
  • CMYK: 03-04-00-00


  • HEX: 7EE9E2
  • RGB: 126-233-226
  • CMYK: 42-00-18-00

Usage Ratio

Typography last updated 02/18/2020

At Edvo, we use typography to present our designs and content as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Our primary font is San Francisco, the native font for Apple products. However, part of designing for efficiency means that we optimize for each platform and use the respective native fonts. That translates to Segoe UI for Windows and Roboto for Android. Optimizing this way ensures that no font downloads are necessary, minimizing lag and providing a quality experience every time.

Designing for clarity means adhering to a strict hierarchy and grid. We use an 8px grid and three font weights to achieve this. While referencing the information below, keep in mind that the letter spacing and line height values listed here are based on Figma. For any other applications, please match the results accordingly.


for Body Text

Size Line Height Latter Spacing 13 126% 3.5% 14 111% 3.5% 15 109.5% 2% 19 166.5% 0% 24 134.5% 0%


for Sub Headers

Size Line Height Latter Spacing 24 131.4% 0% 30 107.4% 0% 42 114.4% -2% 48 100.5% -2%


for Hero Titles

Size Line Height Latter Spacing 60 107.4% -3%

Examples of Font Pairings

Body Text - Regular

Sub Header - Semibold

Hero Title - Heavy


Get the job that makes you happy.


We know job hunting sucks. Let Edvo handle it for you, and get offers from great companies.


Get matched with companies that exactly fit your needs.


Edvo will assist you through the whole hiring process. Always available at your fingertips.


Should you hire for culture fit?


Yes and no


Hiring for “culture fit” is an age-old debate in the world of recruiting, and a simple Google search on the topic paints a stark picture of both sides.


Customer Success

  • Customer Support
  • Account Manager
  • Customer Success Manager


  • Paid Search Specialist
  • Marketing Generalist
  • Email Marketer